Prepare to end your hiding: this workout combines a fat burning cardio with movements that target your entire heart rather than individual muscles. You will burn more fat while strengthening.
Do this workout three non-consecutive days a week. Start with the basic workout (moves 1 to 4 right) to prime your muscles. After three weeks, you will be ready to go to the advanced workout (moves 5 to 8).
Follow this interval training program three times a week after your basic workout. It will trigger your metabolism and burn the fat that hides your abs. The intervals are short periods of maximum intensity effort (you do it well if you can not hold a conversation), separated by fast recovery periods.
1. Basic Workout: Plank
- Starting from the top of an upright position, bend your elbows and lower yourself until you can move your weight from your hands to your forearms.
- Your body should form a straight line.
- Prepare your abs (imagine someone is about to hit your stomach) and hold for 60 seconds.
- If you can not reach 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 5 seconds, continuing for 1 minute.
- Concentrate on form: do not let your hips drop or lift your buttocks.
2. Basic Workout: Side Plank
- Lie down on the right side with your legs outstretched.
- Raise your right forearm so that your body forms a diagonal line.
- Rest your left hand on your hip. Prepare your abs and hold for 60 seconds.
- If you can not reach 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 1 minute.
- Make sure your hips and knees do not rest on the floor.
3. Basic Workout: Glute Bridge March
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- Rest your arms on the floor, palms up, at the shoulders.
- Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line between your shoulders and your knees (A).
- Prepare your abs and lift your right knee to your chest (B).
- Hold for 2 counts, then lower your right foot.
- Repeat with the other leg.
- It is 1 rep.
- Do 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 10 repetitions.
4. Advanced Workout: Plank With Arm Lift
- Put yourself in the plank position (toes and forearms on the floor, body raised).
- Your body should form a straight line (A).
- Prepare your abdominals and carefully move your weight to your right forearm.
- Extend your left arm in front of you (B) and hold for 3 to 10 seconds.
- Bring your arm slowly. Repeat with the right arm.
- It is 1 rep.
- Do 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps, resting for 1 minute between sets.
5. Advanced Workout: Side Plank With Rotation
- In the straight board position (A), hold your abs and your left hand toward the ceiling (B).
- Slowly move your left arm under your body and turn forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor (C).
- Return to the sideboard.
- It is 1 rep.
- Do 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 10 repetitions on each side, resting for 1 minute between sets.
6. Advanced Workout: Reverse Lunge With Single-arm Press
- Take a 5 to 15-pound dumbbell in your left hand and hold it beside your left shoulder, palm facing inward (A).
- Take a step back with your left foot and lower your body until your knees are bent 90 degrees (your left knee should almost touch the ground) while pressing the dumbbell directly on your shoulder without bending over or bend over to the waist (B).
- Return the weight to the starting position and push it back quickly.
- It is 1 rep.
- Do 10 to 15, then change sides.
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