10 steps to make your face look younger without surgery: Are you worried about fine lines appearing on your face and your age going down? Although aging is a privilege that many do not know, it is always difficult to feel good about each sunspot and each gray hair that seems to happen each new year. Do not miss this essential list of age-defying skin care ideas without the use of scary scalpels or intrusive injections!
1. Follow the Best Skin Care Practices
By activating the facial muscles, you will promote the circulation of oxygen, which is crucial for a young appearance. Try this: push your forehead against your palm for 10 seconds, then put your head back and chew excessively 20 times with your mouth closed. Finish by sulking your lips for 20 seconds, then repeat the cycle three times, twice a day. In addition, you should also daily make a range of facial expressions in the mirror, which will help you stretch your skin and your acting skills.
3. Trade High Impact for Low Impact Exercises
4. Be More Particular About Your Diet
5. Hydrate Constantly
Where would a health list be without the mention of water? Like everything else, hydration is essential to the well-being of your face. it helps eliminate toxins and replenish cells. Always keep a bottle of water at your side and you will consume the recommended amount without even realizing it.
The sun has a long list of health benefits, but in terms of skin, these ultraviolet rays are one of your biggest enemies. They stick to your collagen and elasticity while forming spots, wrinkles and even cancer. This will age your appearance fast forward, so sunscreen is essential, wear a hat and stay in the shade. Unfortunately, this also applies to your tanning bed sessions.
7. Avoid Cigarettes and Alcohol
If you smoke, here's the millionth reason why you should quit: smoking wreaks havoc on your face. Lack of oxygen released can loosen and dry the skin, while tar can stain your lips and yellow your teeth. Talk to your doctor about easier ways to get rid of this habit. Meanwhile, reduce your alcohol intake as it dehydrates the skin and reduces its elasticity.
8. Don’t Let Stress Get the Best of You
A stressful life is wonderful if you want to develop gray hair, hair loss, dry skin, wrinkles and acne. For all the others, take the time to refuse any extra work and move away from technology to replace the hustle and bustle of life with yoga, meditation and long bubble baths.
9. Get All of Your Required Sleep
To return to the previous point, if you do not sleep enough, you are more vulnerable to stressful days (not to mention swollen eyes with haggard eyes). It's not worth it, so go to bed early and sleep well away from your age. Speaking of bed: sex has also been associated with a young presentation due to the release of growth hormones. You may as well never leave the covers.
10. Fake It
If all else fails, you can create the illusion of youth by manipulating the details. Dye your hair in a bright color, get an expensive haircut, shave your eyebrows, curl your eyelashes, buy a teeth whitening kit and follow makeup tutorials online. You will be asked for a piece of identification before you know it!
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